Kickin’ it with Kelsey… in Winnipeg!

July 27th, 2016

My work placement is CSI it’s a program for kids to spend time with teachers and keep learning while there still on summer break, they provide breakfast and lunch everyday to make sure that kids had something to eat or they’re not hungry during the classes. My supervisor is Ms. Maryjane and she is the principal for Duffrin School. She provides exciting trips for the kids and makes sure everything goes as planned.  There is volunteers there older than me and younger than me, it’s kind of inspiring to see that the volunteers give up their summer break to see that kids are having fun and a safe summer.

Kelsey enjoys a walk in the park with her Placement Buddy and Host Family

Kelsey enjoys a walk in the park with her Placement Buddy and Host Family

My host family is Melissa McGregor, Richard McCrae and their son Andrew. My Placement Buddy Skylynn and I stay in Winnipeg and  get up at 7:30am to get ready for work and then we leave the house before 8am so we can catch our bus. I take 2 busses to work and Skylynn takes 1 to work. We both don’t start work until 8:30am as it will take 20 or 25 minutes to get to work, after work we go home at 3:30pm. Sometimes we do some dishes if there are any, or sit in our rooms and wait until Melissa gets off work at 5pm. When Melissa gets home we will decide what to do as a family. We have gone to the Golden Boy, the humans rights museum, the Fringe Festival, and a public pool.

The difference out here from the north is there is a lot of people around wherever you go. Wherever you look there are people doing their own thing and daily routine, either walking where they need to be or using busses and some people have cars. There are also hotter days down here, and less breeze because of the high buildings they have. There is less day light as it will get dark before 8pm or 7pm. In my home town of Fort Providence we don’t have many people that walk around everyday unless they have to be somewhere, also less walking distance so we don’t need busses in my community and people have vehicles. It’s also not as hot in my hometown because we don’t have much big buildings, so there is always a breeze and we also get 24/7 day light.

This is my time in Winnipeg for the summer and I had a good experience with Skylynn Cook and my host family.

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