Dion’s summer in Kingston Ontario

August 5th, 2019

Hello my name is Dion Sanguya!

I am in the Canadian program, placed in Kingston Ontario. I’m am in between Toronto and Ottawa where there are many things to do here and I have been having so much fun in the past 5 weeks and I can’t wait to meet all of my fellow participants at Re-orientation and have a great time.

While I’ve been here with my buddy Jeremi I’ve had a lot of fun doing many things and we went to Canada’s Wonderland not long ago and it was awesome while we went there we met up with Lutie and Nathan! We had an awesome time together and made many laughs on the rides and in the water park I was very curious of how I would do on the rollercoasters but it was awesome and I loved how fast we went, I can’t wait to see how everyone else is doing and I hope every single one of you are okay and having fun.

We’ve went to new places and had fun trying new foods too like, Thai foods and going to the theatres, I’m very excited to see all of my fellow participants again and going to make the most of my time having fun now and I hope you all will enjoy your times cause I’ve enjoyed mine.

Sincerely, Dion. PS I’m a goofy guy.

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