AJ poses with fellow Qikiqtarjuaq participant, Annie, at NYA’s Orientation Camp in Ottawa. (Photo Credit: Thorsten Gohl)
My name is AJ Nookiguak. I live in Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut. My host family has made me feel at home and they let me have fun here in Ottawa. My work placement is at Tungasuvvingat Inuit, which means “a place for Inuit to feel welcomed”, and I am working with my host dad. My placement is in Ottawa. I like it here in Ottawa, but it’s kinda hot for me.
I’ve learned so much from this program, like how to be in the city! Me and my host family and buddy went to the water park and I had fun at the park. At the park, me and Chris went to the water slides 6 times while my host family Mary, Kevin, and Nathan were swimming in the pool.
And we went camping together, too. When we were at the camp I learned that it’s a bit colder in the wood, and I also learned that there are not many mosquitos down south when the weather is hot.
We also went to Shawinigan, Quebec to go do some yoga retreat for 4 days. When we were there, I didn’t like the food, but when we were there I did like meditating, the river for canoeing, and the people.
AJ’s Photos:
While at Orientation Camp, AJ explored his interest in photography with professional photographer, and NYA volunteer, Thorsten Gohl. Here are some of AJ’s photos.