Brandon (right) poses with a busker along with his placement buddy, Dallas, while on placement in Port Alberni, BC.
Hello, my name Brandon Hardisty. I am from Fort Simpson, Northwest Territories. I am currently having a wonderful time here in Port Alberni, British Columbia; it’s such a beautiful place to spend my summer. So far my summer was pretty amazing! The first week was great! I’ve met so much wonderful people at Orientation & made some pretty good friendships along the way. During the first week we went to a baseball game, which I haven’t been to one for a long time, so it was a nice experience for the beginning of the summer. Also at Orientation we went swimming…which isn’t something all new to me, although I had a fun time there as well. After Orientation, I was happy to finally be off to my Host Community for the summer!
I made some memories along the way there with my placement for the summer; Dallas Thom, from Fort Providence, NWT. Our first weekend in Port Alberni we went to Nanaimo for the day to do a little shopping and site seeing, but it was a surprise when we met up with some of our friends from back home there…they were there checking out the University. I had a nice visit with them before we left back home. So far I can say I’m really enjoying my summer here! I’m really glad I got the opportunity to attend NYA this year. Hopefully I can attend again next year.️