Hi my name is Dallas Thom and I am from Fort Providence, Northwest Territories. I was placed in Port Alberni, BC. I found a lot of things are different than back home, like 10x the people we have back home and buildings have lots of storeys. Port Alberni is very warm, it can get up to 30+ as where I live it gets up to around 25+ so it’s kinda not that different in temperature wise. Although it can get very very rainy here.

Dallas pays close attention during Summer Orientation. (Photo Credit: Thorsten Gohl)
My host parents are Sarah Williams and Rob Campbell, they are very nice people- both outgoing and welcoming. I like everything about them. My work placement is “Stepping Stones”, it’s a daycare and I love working there and being with the kids. I usually play with the kids and read to them, and other stuff like help clean up and prepare for lunch and etc. We usually go places every weekend like Nanaimo, Victoria, Coombs and we just went camping this past weekend with our host family, which was pretty fun cause I got to go kayaking and we went swimming In the lake. I think the best part about Port Alberni is that it’s right beside Coombs and why is that the best part? Cause Coombs has the best ice cream in the world Also I love NYA. The program is amazing. The people you meet and places you get to go, the staff is pretty cool too. They are all funny and chill