Laylu sports some fabulous henna while at the Caribbean Festival in North Vancouver.
My name is Laylu Judas from Wekweeti, NT and I’m spending my summer in Vancouver, BC. This past month of July has been a bit weird but still fun! Kind of like a roller coaster, it’s been going up and down and all around. The down part is that I don’t have my family and home to go to at the end of the day but the good part is that there are plenty of things I do like to do here, like visit to places such as Toronto and Ottawa. They are such big places and with so many people and I have been going sightseeing with Joanne who is probably the coolest and most fun host mom ever- she’s awesome! She took us to all kinds of places and made us try new things because she’s awesome like that. My work placement is fantastic because I probably have the funniest and weirdest supervisor and my coworkers are all fun people, sometimes it feels like I’m with them all day.
There’s still a few weeks to go until I leave Vancouver but I have yet to see all of the wondrous places here. I really do like it here and I’ll seriously will miss it when I leave, but I know that it’ll always be here and know that there’s so many opportunities out there waiting for me. Oh gosh I feel like I’m giving a speech to the president.
This program is awesome and fun and I really do encourage everyone to sign up for this program because it’s a really awesome way to help with things like anxiety, talking to new people, speaking to big crowds, etc. Don’t get me started with the NYA staff who by the way is really amazing and very helpful, I could say so many things yet so little time. I feel very good about this program and hopefully get to do something like this next year with everyone again. All the participants are very brave and strong to do something like this. Don’t know how to end this blog entry thing so I’ll just end this by saying Laylu’s awesome!!