NYA is dedicated to ensuring a successful and sustainable transition to post-secondary education for our Alumni. We have garnered experience in all aspects of aiding with this transition and continue to make great efforts in trying to support Alumni undertaking post-secondary education (college, university, trades, training) in any way possible.
Areas where we can help:
- Applying for school
- Funding
- Scholarships and Bursaries
- Housing
- Deciding what to take
- Deciding what school to go to
- Learning about your options
- Finding programs that meet your interests
- Budgeting
- Getting ready to go to school
PSE Transitions
Are you a northerner transitioning or thinking about transitioning into Post Secondary Education (PSE)? This can include college, university, trades programs, preparation programs. If you need help, you can email us at nya@nya.ca or call the NYA office and we can help you out!