Hello, my name is Bryce Itturiligaq, I am from Naujaat, Nunavut. It is a very small community that holds about 500-600 people.
My experience in New Brunswick has been a very fun time. I went out to a trampoline park with my placement buddy Rick and placement mother Julie with her sons Milan and Damon and his friends. It’s been a long time since I went on one, so after an hour of staying there, having fun, I felt like it was my first time.

In Ottawa, it was extremely hot, but I went to my host family with my friends and host mother, which had air conditioning, so I cooled down very quickly.
I work at 3D property management, which works on maintaining houses and making sure they’re in living order. My work placement is very chill and relaxed, especially my coworkers, they love to talk about their day-to-day experiences. They also have a quick debrief at the end of work, telling the others what they did, how much work they did for the day, and how where they were working.
My host family is very chill as well, they have three dogs that love to bark at people when they enter their home, so they don’t mind much when I get loud. Also, their sons also are loud when playing games, so they pretty much got used to loud sounds. I’m usually quiet when playing games, so I’m not going to get a noise complaint when playing games, I only get loud when I see something very funny, which makes me laugh out loud, but I try to stay quiet most of the times anyway.