Hi, I am Christa from Qikiqtarjuaq Nu, and I am placed in Medicine Hat Alberta. So far, I’m enjoying the city life. I really love working at the YMCA. Me and my buddy Alia are getting along so well along with my host parents.

Our second week of being in Medicine Hat, my host parents took us to Drumheller to see the royal Tyrrell Museum and on our way there we stopped by some hoodoo trails and to some mines which is really amazing! After that we stayed in the town for a bit and had some amazing food. And we are planning to go to Banff and Calgary for a visit which I’m so excited about and it’s also in my bucket list to go there!

This is my beautiful friend Harley she been my friend since I came to Medicine Hat. She let me do fun things like go for walks and go to the park and go for a ride with loud music. We are planning to go to the beach sometime this weekend and go for a picnic. Yesterday we went to go play bowling and it was so fun we are together almost everyday and do dumb fun things!

I love my work placement because I get to be with kids, and we do fun stuff together we play lots of games together. The kids are so fun and cute I love my work even when it’s hard at same time hehe!