Enosi’s time with NYA Next

July 22nd, 2024

Hi my name is Enosi Nashalik I’m 17 years old and I’m from Pangnirtung NU , and this is my first week in the south and it’s hot but so far I’ve been loving this place.

Today I got the learn a little bit about CPR things like if someone were to have a stroke and what to do or if someone was choking or in a cardiac arrest all those kinds of things helped me know what it actually feels if that were to happen in real life.

Back home where I live the temperature doesn’t get as hot like in Ottawa. I had to adjust to weather and the humidity. If was back it would only be like 7° or 10°, but here in Ottawa it goes up to 20° to 30° so it is very hot for me the first few days here, but I think I’ve adjusted to the heat. Also the day lights were different. There is 24/7 day light in the north where I live, and it felt weird being in the dark in the summer down south.

We had swimming lessons called “swim to survive”. It was my first time swimming and I think it went well. Today me and my group came close finishing our dog house, I’m really proud of my getting close to finishing the dog house.

A couple days ago we went to a obstacle course in 20° weather it was good to take a shower after the obstacle course. Today  I’m going to see my sister for the first time in months maybe or even a year and that’s pretty exciting for me, and to her as well even though I don’t talk to her much I hope she misses me.

I had lots to see at the Bayshore mall, and the other day we went to the museum with my group. It had some amazing art and insects, and I held a stick bug but just for a bit.

Before I was going to Ottawa I met Jayko. At first I didn’t know him that well, but it was really nice of his dad to invite me to go have supper before we had to leave back in Iqaluit.

As the days went on here at the college residence and the trips we went on together, I’ve got to know him better and now he is a great friend of mine. I’ve made some new friends since I went here for NYA. Terrence is really good at construction in my group in trades class, he is really good at measuring. All the instructors are also really nice people.

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