My name is Eshyla Ekendia, and I am from Behchoko NT. I was placed in Milton, Ontario. My first impression about Milton, is that I thought this town was small but when I got here, I saw a lot of construction of buildings, houses, and some parks around areas I’ve been to so far. The population here is 131,000 people. when we drive out of Milton, there will be less houses and less construction. And outside of Milton, there will be more farms, flowers, trees, gardening, veggies, cows, and horses.

During my three weeks here, in Milton, with my host family. I’m starting to get use to some places I’ve been passing by through. My work placement is an outdoor operation, where I get to do outdoor, hand ons work experience. My part as a gardening volunteer. I’m learning what weeds that needs to be pulled out of gardens. We maintain plants for those who admires flowers. Knowing that people around town seeing us work, will say we’re doing a great job of taking care of the plants. During my work placement, I’ve been doing gardening for the past three weeks and I’m starting to love it. But not the part where I get tan and around my wrist that shows my watch tan line. I noticed my wrist when I didn’t bother using my watch for awhile.

My highlight is when we went to the stadium in Toronto, a game of baseball. The team is named Blue Jays, and watching the Blue Jays game was awesome. Seeing those kind games in action is quite new to me. So, I did my best to enjoy the game, and to Blue Jays losing against Red Sox.

I’ve tried new things, and ate new things. First, I played beach volleyball for the first time. Showing my feet, having connections between my feet to the sand is a weird and funny feeling. That’s something I tried for the first time. Secondly, I tried spicy Indian food. That was yummy and not that spicy but it that good.