Hello My name Koda Amos I’m currently living in Sydney for the NYA Canadian Program. Sydney is a fantastic town, it was my first time seeing an ocean It feels big but yet small I hope you understand. I am currently working at the Salish Sea Centre, the place was small so I was worried that I didn’t get to do much but I absolutely wrong I got to do so much like I got to play and feed the octopus on the first day 😀 It was so much fun being at an aquarium and I got to learn so much, like when a sea star is melting it’s a bacterial disease that is fatal, that turns them into mush.

This is a example of that disease, scary!

We got to go to the light trap. It’s a research about how many Dungeness crabs babies to predict how many they are. There are two species in care one is a crab that has no arms!! Poor guy 🙁
And the other is a fish that has a eye infection, he’s been in quarantine. His name is Leon 🙂
And I got to go into so many different jobs in the Salish Sea Centre, I got to be an Aquarius for the first and second week, the third week I was working in retail it reminded me of my job back at home.
Being a at retail was fun,it felt refreshing and was kind of happy greeting people, I got to do some goofy stuff like putting a stingray plush on my head
It was lotta fun 😀
I am trying to learn the guitar and piano when I got here, surprisingly the host family provided me guitar but we’re still working on the piano part.
Also I was interviewing a person here, she is a Medical Laboratory Technologist, so basically they test out tissue samples and she told me something bizarre, you know an organ called a spleen right? well it’s supposed to be a size of your fist. but she got sent a spleen that was the size of a baby.
Things here is really different than up north, the temperature here is mid doesn’t get too hot or cold, very different from where I am from.
Hi Koda
It was fun to read your blog! I enjoyed meeting you here at the Aquarium and I’m glad you enjoyed your time here. Safe travels home!