I am Lydia Judas 18 years old. I’m from Wekweeti Nt. I was at York, Ontario within the city of Toronto. I volunteered at the Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto is so busy and has so much tall buildings, I love it! But glad me and Shanelle gets along so well been together 24/7 when we were in Toronto. She’s like my bestie.

I loved working with the Indigenous education team, it made me feel more of home. Learning about other cultures, languages, and etc. My supervisor Leslie was so nice to have me and my buddy Shanelle working with her and the team. I learned a lot from the museum. Before I left Toronto I did a presentation about my culture and community! Was sad leaving because I love working with the Indigenous education team!

My time in Toronto was amazing. I went to CN tower, Canada wonderland, the stack, Niagara Falls and enjoyed walking/driving around the city. I’ve loved the city girl I was.

I’ve also moved to New Hamburg, Ontario 2 weeks before re-orientation, but I work at the thrift store now in the back receiving stuff. It’s a small town but we go to Kitchener, Ontario 20-30mins away from New Hamburg. So far we went to a farmer festival where they had 2 food trucks and singing. On our last weekend we are going to a farmer market, theatres to watch new Barbie, get out nails done and to go on a horse! It’s exciting.

I’m happy I applied to Northern Youth Aboard had all my family/friends support during this program! Yeah, I’ve did wanted to go home couple times but I’ve made it during this program and I’m happy about it was great experience and opportunity! Thanks to NYA staff for giving us youth the opportunity really appreciated!