Life on campus
Life on campus is pretty cool. It is very different from home. First it is a huge place! The food is different as I am use to country foods such as arctic char, caribou, seal, and more. There are all kinds of people from all over the world which I find awesome because to them I’m from a totally different place as well. Another thing on campus I find interesting is that there are the amount of jobs offered here on campus that would be more than half of my home town’s population. Yes the jobs here on campus alone are pretty much half of how many people live in Gjoa Haven NU!

Experiences in Ottawa so far
My experiences so far here in Ottawa have been great! From going out of the biggest terminal I’ve been in, to volunteering in a place called the mission has been awesome! Right when we landed here I took a look around and thought of how awesome it is to see everything and not just form a photo on the internet but in person. Using public transit for the first time was quite nerve-wracking because I heard of stories how others got on wrong buses or got off on wrong stops. But it was fun because I had my NYA project Leaders and the other participants with me. My fellow participants and myself have started a culinary class where we learn and actually cook different things. We also started a construction class and are learning how to use various types of tools. Myself and a few other participants went to a homeless shelter/facility to volunteer, I was placed in the kitchen where I found out that I’m pretty good at cooking and preparing food. After that volunteer experience I thought of it and I think a chef is another career I might want get into.
Living in residence
Living in residence is pretty awesome! I love having my own space and I find it very helpful to have a room mate. Living here gives me the experience I will need for if I decided to go for post secondary after high school. I feel that the rooms are the perfect size for when you’re in school away from home most likely for the first time all on your own. Another cool thing is the centre square. The centre square is where there are different types of places you can get food and supplies all in the comfort of a short walk away.

One thing/activity I’ve attended
One activity I’ve went to here was a movie called insidious the red door. It was not bad and not going to lie a bit scary. I went because I’m not a horror movie fan and haven’t watched a scary movie in years and after seeing that movie I decided I’m good for another few long years. It was fun because I haven’t been to the movies in so long. I even forgotten how good the popcorn is at movies.
All and all I am enjoying every bit of my stay here so far!
Signing off Mark. K