My name is Marisa Idlout, I’m from Pond Inlet. I’m one of the participants rom NYA NEXT. All the hard work these past few years to take part in the program, is so worth it. To experience so much in just a few weeks, especially on a college campus is just so rewarding. I’m learning so much, I feel so prepared to go to college.

Some of the important things I’m learning so far is time management, getting things done on time, working in a group, communicating in a group, and budgeting. Orientation went by so quickly, with ice breakers, sessions, and games. We have so many things going on just this past week, and just spending time with the group is so amazing, getting to know each other and just living together, I’m so grateful I got a chance to go on this program.
On Monday July 10 we had a really helpful Campus tour of Algonquin College, it was great to know how to navigate on campus and I really loved the tour. I haven’t had a PLP (personal learning project) or had volunteered at The Mission yet, but I am so excited to do
both. These past Monday’s we had culinary classes at 4pm-6pm and so far, I love it, I think it’s fun to learn little important details not everyone probably knows in baking or cooking, even though we had done only two classes.

Im getting used to having a routine, busy schedule, living on campus, and adjusting on getting to classes on time, as well as going places through public transport. Our entire group has construction class in mornings on Tuesdays to Fridays, I’m so proud of what I made in class so far.
I think our NYA NEXT group is doing well and getting along great, making friends and memories are the best part. On Friday, July 14, we went to the fitness gym in the afternoon on Campus, I got to learn some things about working out with or without equipment. During that afternoon we also got to go learn how to swim/ get evaluated on how to swim. Even though I didn’t pass the swimming evaluation I thought it was fun just to learn.

We also got to go downtown to Parliament, Byword, and Rideau to watch the light-show at 9-10pm and we got time to go shopping and wander around with a buddy which I thought was really fun. On Saturday, we had volunteered at HOPE festival, to take down nets and once we were mostly done a lot of us had free time, we had a chance to go swimming in the lake, watch an artist perform, and play volleyball along with other volunteers.
On Sunday we had a cultural activity for both Nunavut and NWT, I love that we get to learn each other’s cultures with activities within the group. Living on Campus is really fun in general and even though the bus rides or trips are tiring. I’m so glad I get to learn what it is like living down south especially in Ottawa. I’m so grateful for NYA staff!
I’m so proud of you babe! And happy that you are having fun! Every one of us at home is so happy for you! Aya says loving her. Love you panik