Our events are open to all students from Nunavut, the NWT, or Yukon! Bring your friends, invite your roommates – all are welcome. We run a range of virtual and in-person events (make sure to check the event description to see where it is).
How to sign up
Some events have sign up forms or Facebook events to join – click the event in the calendar to see more details and links to sign up. You can also email northerncompass@nya.ca if you are interested in an event but don’t know how to sign up or where to go.
Upcoming Events
If you have signed up to be part of Northern Compass this year, check your email inbox. Students who are part of our Cohort will get regular emails with all the activities, events, and opportunities coming up. You can also like Northern Compass on Facebook or view the calendar below for upcoming events.
Join the mail listEvents Calendar
Click on the events in the calendar below to see details, get the links to join, and add them to your own calendar!
Have an idea for an event that isn’t on our calendar? Let us know! Email NorthernCompass@nya.ca