NYA has a number of partners that enable us to enhance our programming. Working in collaboration with other organizations of different specializations and capacities serves to broaden the spectrum of our programming and diversify the services we are able to offer our Participants. As a result, Participants have access to new experiences, opportunities, training and extra support, all while still achieving the objectives of NYA. NYA’s partners contribute in different ways, either by promoting NYA’s program to youth in their home communities and providing support or by offering enhanced, specialized program opportunities. If you are interested in being a program partner, please contact Rebecca at rebecca@nya.ca.
Northern High Schools
NYA receives strong support from high schools in both Nunavut and the NWT. The administration and classroom teachers support the program by way of advertising, assisting with recruitment, lending individual support to applicants, and serving as Mentors. They occasionally act as Orientation and Re-orientation Facilitators and committee members. We are very appreciative that the local schools recognize the importance of the program, help their students access it, and support their involvement in it.
Algonquin College
Since 2013, NYA has worked in collaboration with Algonquin College to provide fundamental training in the construction trades. This partnership allows NYA Next Program Participants to receive training in fundamental construction trades, offering experience and skills to advance the career interests of Participants. Beyond finishing the courses with basic knowledge of construction trades, experience and a certificate from Algonquin College, participants were able to experience life as college students and gain the confidence to potentially pursue post-secondary education.

Northern Achievement Network
NYA is increasingly looking for opportunities to connect with other organizations and institutions to facilitate as many options and possibilities for youth across the North as possible. One way that we are doing this is through the Northern Achievement Network, which was created in June 2017. The network is a group of northern-serving organizations located in Ottawa who come together to find ways to increase and improve services to Northern and Indigenous youth, as well as share opportunities, best practices, and success stories.