Hey I’m O’Neil. I joined NYA next because I wanted to do something fun for my summer and I’m happy I got picked because I got to meet a lot of really cool people and we all still have time to do more fun things. We got to do a lot of fun things. We went to the movies and the mall, also a museum and I loved the museum because it was my first time at one and I saw a lot of really cool stuff and dinosaurs. It was really fun to see it and also fossils.

SO that was nice and I knew they were big but I didn’t know how big they were.
We did laser tag as well and that was fun everyone was happy when that game was done we wanted to go again but we didn’t have the time but this group are really amazing hopefully we go out and do something like this again and I don’t think I will forget this summer. I keep talking about random stuff but that’s just me.
I picked up new skill form NYA and i’m also still learning here and i can’t wait till I go to college because it seems really fun. The things we are doing here is a workshop where we build stools and we are building dog houses. I went on a train for the first time and I thought it would be scary but it was not and the view of the city is amazing. I’m still getting use to being away from my hometown but its fun doing this can’t wait to see what’s going happen these last 2 weeks.