fHello! My name is Reanna Smith, I am 20 years old and I am from a small community within the Tlicho Region, which is Whati!
So far my experience here is so amazing! I am really glad to be here and meet all these amazing people. I’ve met people, who not only share the same interests as I do, but the same humour as well! I love having conversations and just getting to know people for who they are. And honestly, it feels like a breath of fresh air.

I’ve never been away from my family for this long, but it gives me the chance to experience things outside of my community, and to explore the limits of my comfort zone. I am forever grateful! Especially to those who pushed and helped me. If it weren’t for the endless amount of support, I wouldn’t be here. My mom always said that she wanted us kids to go and explore the world, and Ottawa was a place she always came to, for the Canadian Rangers program. When she came back home, she would show us an endless amount of photos and videos of her experience, here in the city. So it truly felt incredible to be here with such an amazing group of people, and to see what I’ve seen in photos, in real life! To meet people and to create everlasting bonds, I am sure going to miss this program and the routine I’ve had while being here, with NYA Next.
The first week at orientation, I was pretty kept to myself and quiet. And before coming here, I honestly thought I would be shy the entire program, but then I realised something about myself, is that I am not as shy of a person as I thought I was!

Everyday is really busy, no time for laying around and mindless scrolling of social media, which I enjoy. We took public transit to get from one place to another, we got to do many college tours and talked about the different programs and classes that they offer. We also learned the different cultural activities where we learned how to jig, square dancing, and different Inuit games. We got to volunteer at many different places like at the HOPE volleyball fest, where we took down multiple nets and enjoyed food from the many different food trucks. After that we got to swim for a few hours at the Mooneys bay beach. We also did gardening just the other day at a seniors home, which was my first time gardening!

We do daily workshops, one with construction where we got to make step stools, picture frames, and a dog house. We learned everything from cutting plywood, doing specific measuring for each piece, using power tools, and then painting the finishing touches. Another workshop we did is with INSPIRE, where we learned and talked about many different topics within business and entrepreneurship. Lastly we have a cooking/ baking workshop with the chef here at Alogonuin college. The first day we made homemade nacho chips, salsa and guacamole. Another day we made chocolate chip cookies! And just the other day, we made savoury pancakes with homemade ricotta cheese. It really is a learning experience for everyone.

My most favourite part was the festivals we got to go to!! We went to the Lebanese festival and they had things from different rides, foods/ drinks. And even live music! I danced many times, sang and shouted as loud as I could! There were so many people, it was a really great time! Definitely something I would go to again. We also went to the asian food fest, where there were so many options of food to choose from, even live k-pop music. My feet and legs were so sore from the day, so I got to sit and lay in the grass at the parliament buildings, with Lynn and Quinten. It was such a great day.

So far I love living here at Algonquin college. They have such a big campus, it takes like 10 minutes to get from one point A to B. One day I would like to go to school here. They have many different facilities and programs, and even a big workout room. The walking track is shaped as a figure eight, they have a rock climbing wall and even a bowling alley room! The college also has a bakery with different goodies each day, that are made from the culinary program! Even cafes. I love the cookies here! Haha

Once this program is over, I surely am going to miss not only the campus, but the people I’ve bonded with. The routines that we have here also. A truly once in a lifetime experience. I will forever remember all the kindness they’ve shown, all these amazing people, and all the opportunities I’ve got to experience.
A huge Mahsi Cho, to the NYA program and staff for giving me this opportunity to grow, and to experience the “college life”.

Good for you, Reanna! The experience looks phenomenal and you look like you’re having a great time. So happy for you and proud of you, too! You go Girl!