My name is Taniki Angutinguirk from kugaaruk Nunavut and I am placed in Edmonton Alberta along with my buddy Rosanna.

I volunteer at the Edmonton valley zoo, it is such a wonderful experience. I now know a lot about animals. A zebra actually born July 23 2023 and he is the absolute cutest little thing I’ve seen, he still has no name but they’re going to have a vote to figure out what his name is going to be!

My time in Edmonton has been the best so far. We went to farmer’s markets, drove an electric scooter for the first time, lots of shopping and on Canada Day we went to go see the fireworks and they were so pretty.

We went to Telus world of science and I honestly was living the dream cause of all the stuff I seen there, we even seen the first ever moon rock that was picked up off the moon. In fort Edmonton you can see a lot of old fashion buildings, cars etc.
We also went to taste of Edmonton and got to try different foods which was the bessstt!!. K-days which was the absolute best! we went on so many rides which was fun yet scary! I swear I Almost passed out of most of them lol. We got to see three days grace!

We went to Elk island yesterday saw bisons and went canoeing for the first time! If it wasn’t for my awesome host parents my buddy and I wouldn’t have done any of that, I am going to miss them once we leave for re-orientation in a few days. I am happy that I applied for NYA Canadian or else I wouldn’t have experienced these amazing things and meet some wonderful people.

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