About Us

What is NYA?

Northern Youth Abroad (NYA) cultivates youth leadership, individual career goals, cross-cultural awareness, and international citizenship for youth from Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. We are a registered not-for-profit charity (Registered Charity # 86530 5791 RR0001).

Our programs strengthen the self-identity and cultural understanding of Participants. NYA enhances their participation and success by providing life-changing and life-directing experiences relevant to the needs and aspirations of Northern youth.

NYA operates three core programs:

  1. Canadian Program
  2. International Program,
  3. NYA Next.

In the last few years we have also expanded our offerings to include programs like Northern Compass and Northern Youth in Service. We have expanded our Alumni support through post-secondary and beyond.


Healthy confident young leaders contributing to vibrant communities and a bright future.


Northern Youth Abroad seeks to foster leadership, cross-cultural awareness, individual career goals, and global citizenship in the youth of the North. The program promotes success in education by providing life-changing experiences through volunteer work and travel.


Originally piloted in 1998 as the Nunavut Youth Abroad Program (NYAP), our organization has grown steadily over the years. In January 2005, the organization expanded its programming into the NWT. In 2006, it underwent an official name change to Northern Youth Abroad. In our first year, we selected 10 Participants from approximately 20 applications. Since then, over 610 young people from almost every community in Nunavut and the NWT have completed one or more NYA Program!

NYA has a small team of full-time staff members, a northern-based Board of Directors, and many dedicated volunteers throughout Nunavut, the Northwest Territories and southern Canada. NYA’s dedicated board of directors contains a strong contingent of well-respected northern educators, and increasingly program alumni, who are able to guide the organization from an experienced perspective.

Guiding Principles

Northern Youth Abroad will:

  • Pursue excellence in experiential-based education for youth living in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
  • Be a culturally-relevant and welcoming organization where Participants develop a greater awareness and appreciation of their own culture while learning about others.
  • Be supportive of the personal growth of Participants and responsive to the needs of the youth that we serve.
  • Understand and promote the concept that leadership development can have different approaches for different Participants.
  • Serve as an instrument to connect Participants and Alumni, creating a network of confident leaders and volunteers.
  • Take measured risk to select Participants reflecting the diversity of Northern youth and providing them with tailored support.
  • Provide a safe and supportive atmosphere that takes each Participant out of their comfort zone, through travel, and invests in each Participant’s individual growth.
  • Enable Alumni to play a role in every aspect of the organization.
  • Be a northern-focused organization.
  • Promote a culture of friendship and fun.
  • Take a team-based approach to organizational leadership.
  • Strive to create an atmosphere where all stakeholders feel valued, engaged, and connected.
  • Be always collaborative, never competitive.